How Sync Works
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Server synchronization works by assigning a unique identifer to each song. All the songs on a server are paired with a GUID (Global Unique IDentifier) when they are first uploaded. This GUID is a random code, practically guaranteed to never be repeated. From that point on, the GUID is used to identify a song.

When you ask the desktop software to get the server song list and compare it against its own list, it starts by comparing all the GUIDs and looking for matches. It then takes a look at the song titles, and makes sure that the titles are at least similar for these songs.

If there are very few complete matches, the desktop software offers to run a comprehensive analysis, where the song's contents are also compared.

Finally, the modification date and time of the songs are compared between server and desktop, to determine which files are more recent.

Once all the differences between the desktop database and the server database have been identified, Worship LIVE! presents you with its recommendations. Each list includes a set of colored icons, representing possible actions.

- this song matches the server copy, and no action is required  
- this song does not exist on the server, and needs to be uploaded  
- this song does not exist on the desktop, and needs to be downloaded  
- this song exists in both locations, but the desktop copy is newer, so it should be uploaded  
- this song exists in both locations, but the server copy is newer, so it should be downloaded  
- this song needs to be deleted because it doesn't exist on the master database  
- this song does not match, but the synchronization method doesn't allow any action to take place  

Based on these recommendations, you may simply click the "<< Synchronize All >>" button and allow Worship LIVE! to handle all the details, or you may be selective about what happens.
·You may clear the checkbox next to any individual song to exclude that song from whatever sync method you prefer.  
·You may click any of the Upload All, Download All, Upload Checked, or Download Checked buttons to take those actions.  

Note that some of these options may be disabled based on whether you have administrator (read AND write) access to the server database.

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