Verse Breaks
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Songs can be divided into verses for the purposes of printing and projection. Using verse markers, you can specify that only certain verses of a song on the playlist will be printed, or that the Next and Previous buttons will skip over unselected verses when the song is being projected.

When the song is added to the playlist, the text on the verse marker line is used as a name for that verse.

Any line that begins with the Paragraph symbol (¶) will be treated as a verse marker. You can add verse markers while editing a song, using options in the Edit menu. There are three options.

·Make line a verse marker: this simply inserts a ¶ symbol at the beginning of the line containing the cursor.  
·Insert a verse marker: this inserts a new line before the cursor, along with the ¶ symbol and the word "Verse".  
·Insert a chorus marker: this inserts a new line before the cursor, along with the ¶ symbol and the word "Chorus".  

There is no difference between "Verse" and "Chorus" marks, other than the word that is automatically inserted. The program treats these lines the same way, and the two options are simply for your convenience. You can change the text on a verse marker line to whatever you wish.

To remove a verse marker, simply delete the ¶ symbol. The line will no longer be used to split up the song.

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